Celebrating its 25th Anniversary, Art in General, a non-profit visual arts organization in Lower Manhattan, and UBS collaborate for the exhibition "25 Years Later: Welcome to Art in General" that is hosted by the UBS Art Gallery in Midtown. Dedicated to unconventional art practices, Art in General curators prefer not to undertake a retrospective perspective; rather, the exhibition focuses on artists and artists collaboratives who proffer the organization's enthusiasm for the experimental wing of recent art as well as its suggestion of art as a social engagement in relational terms.
Installations consisting of performances and event-based works engage with the audience in creative ways. What makes the exhibition more interesting, is its space which is located at the lobby of the UBS building, thus at a platform that is exposed to a heteronegeneous and wide range of publics--different from the gallery-goers. Artists and artists collaboratives include Alejandro Cesarco (Montevideo/New York), Kianga Ford (Los Angeles/Boston), Chitra Ganesh (New York) and Miriam Ghani (New York), Sharon Hayes (New York), Timothy Hutchings (New York), Surasi Kusolwong (Bangkok), Bik Van der Pol (Rotterdam), Ana Prvacki (Singapore), Jiri Skala (Prague), and Lee Walton (New York).
Please visit Art in General's updated website for the schedule of events and further information.